Showing 1–15 of 375 results

  • Claind – Nitrogen Generator – NiGen

    Our range of nitrogen generators consists of 11 different types of devices with varying purity levels up to 99.9995%. These generators are designed to meet industrial and analytical needs, where the production of ultra-pure nitrogen is often requi...

    Our range of nitrogen generators consists of 11 different types of devices with varying purity levels up to 99.9995%. These generators are designed to meet industrial and analytical needs, where the production of ultra-pure nitrogen is often required. Backed by our proprietary Fast Purity® patent, all our nitrogen generators achieve the desired maximum purity in reduced time, progressively increasing gas self generation efficiency.

  • Claind – UHP Air Generator – AirGen GC

    The AirGen GC delivers ultra-high purity zero air to ensure optimal gas chromatography performance, making it suitable for various GC detectors.

    The AirGen GC delivers ultra-high purity zero air to ensure optimal gas chromatography performance, making it suitable for various GC detectors.

  • Haimer – Measuring Instruments – 3D-Sensors and Centering Devices

    The HAIMER 3D-Sensors are very precise and wide-ranging measurement devices for milling and EDM machines (isolated probe tip). They are clamped into a tool holder and inserted into a milling spindle and make it possible to posit...

    The HAIMER 3D-Sensors are very precise and wide-ranging measurement devices for milling and EDM machines (isolated probe tip). They are clamped into a tool holder and inserted into a milling spindle and make it possible to position the spindle axis exactly on the edges of the workpiece. This allows for zeros to be set and the length to be measured quickly and easily. You may approach in any direction (X-, Y-, Z-Axis). When the dial gage shows zero, the spindle axis is exactly on the workpiece edge.

    Only the HAIMER 3D-Sensor allows for the edge to be found on the first attempt. No calculating of the probe’s ball diameter is necessary – just Zero it out! Problems with mathematics or calculations are eliminated, allowing for fewer operator errors.

    By using the HAIMER Centro centering bores and arbors is quick and precise.

  • HAIMER – Shrink Fit Machines – Power Clamp Basic Line

    The Basic Line is the economical entrance into inductive shrink fit technology. the power electronics enables problem free shrinking. The mechanical construction of the equipment has, on the other hand, been kept deliberately si...

    The Basic Line is the economical entrance into inductive shrink fit technology. the power electronics enables problem free shrinking. The mechanical construction of the equipment has, on the other hand, been kept deliberately simple and functional. there are just single chuck solutions.

    The Basic Line is ideal for the price-conscious user, who only wants to shrink a few tools on a daily basis.

    For micro machining purpose the special horizontal shrink fit unit Power Clamp Nano is part of the program- It combines perfectly easy tool handling of small diameters and fast tool exchange.

  • HAIMER – Shrink Fit Machines – Power Clamp Industry 4.0 Series

    With the new Power Clamp i4.0 series HAIMER is setting new standards regarding digital connectivity and communication of tools and machines in the world of manufacturing.

    The shrink fit devices allow ea...

    With the new Power Clamp i4.0 series HAIMER is setting new standards regarding digital connectivity and communication of tools and machines in the world of manufacturing.

    The shrink fit devices allow easiest semi-automatic shrinking. They are perfectly suitable for high volume users who want to benefit from an ergonomic and digitally simplified operation. The easy and error-free data exchange helps optimize the machining processes. A hand-scanner for scanning the shrinking parameters can be used optionally.

    In addition, the high-quality shrink fit devices of the  i4.0 series have a new interface with intuitive software, as well as a workshop-ready 7″ touch display that can even be operated with thin work gloves.

  • HAIMER – Shrink Fit Machines – Power Clamp Profi Line

    The Profi Line offers the full range of performance and is unbeatable in efficiency. High performance coils, contact cooling and rotary table guarantee simultaneous shrinking and cooling in record time. No wishes remain unfulfil...

    The Profi Line offers the full range of performance and is unbeatable in efficiency. High performance coils, contact cooling and rotary table guarantee simultaneous shrinking and cooling in record time. No wishes remain unfulfilled.

    The machines of the Profi Line work both the standard coils and the intelligent and comfortable NG coils. Of course, the equipment recognizes each coil and chooses the correct shrink fit parameters automatically.

    The shrink fir units of the Profi Line form a modular system. The start-up machine Power Clamp Economic can gradually be upgraded to the high performance Power Clamp Comfort NG.

    The high-end shrink fit machine Power Clamp Premium Plus complements the Profi Line. It stands for absolute process reliability with two separate electronic units and two coils.

  • HAIMER – Tool Holders – Steep taper ASME B5.50

    The traditional interface for milling spindles ASME B5.50 distinguishes itself through its extremely robust design. Its field of application ranges from fine machining to heavy duty roughing.

    The tool h...

    The traditional interface for milling spindles ASME B5.50 distinguishes itself through its extremely robust design. Its field of application ranges from fine machining to heavy duty roughing.

    The tool holder is pulled in the milling spindle with the help of an additional pull stud. The centering takes place via the taper contact. Therefore, the ASME B5.50 steep taper interface is primarily suitable for applications with a spindle speed of up to 12,000 rpm.

  • HAIMER – Tools – Solid carbide end mills

    With the Power Mill end mill series, HAIMER can provide its tool holders with a universal solid end milling range for the universal use in different materials.

    Besides that, Basic Mill solid carbide end...

    With the Power Mill end mill series, HAIMER can provide its tool holders with a universal solid end milling range for the universal use in different materials.

    Besides that, Basic Mill solid carbide end mills are reduced to the basics in terms of product characteristics. Therefore they offer a cost effective alternative compared to our Power Mill solid carbide end mills, while ensuring the same HAIMER quality. Basic Mill solid carbide end mills can be used in almost all materials, especially for roughing and finishing.

  • HAIMER – Presetting Technology – UNO Series

    HAIMER Microset tool presetting technology complements the existing HAIMER portfolio of an extensive tool holding program, shrinking and balancing technology, tool management logistics as well as 3D measuring devices and solid c...

    HAIMER Microset tool presetting technology complements the existing HAIMER portfolio of an extensive tool holding program, shrinking and balancing technology, tool management logistics as well as 3D measuring devices and solid carbide cutting tools. As a result, we can offer you a perfectly matching product range from a single source.

    In addition to precision, speed and reliability, the UNO series also includes numerous features in terms of its equipment. The new design and improved ergonomics set new standards. High quality components are used, e.g. from SMC, Bosch, Heidenhain, IDS.

  • UVインクジェットプリンタ – Laser-X (SJ-LXi)



  • アリットバイオテク社 – セルカウンタ – Countstar Miraシリーズ

    Alit Biotech社 セルカウンター Countstar Miraシリーズは、AIインテリジェントアルゴリズムを搭載したスマートでフレキシブルな細胞分析装置です。

    Alit Biotech社 セルカウンター Countstar Miraシリーズは、AIインテリジェントアルゴリズムを搭載したスマートでフレキシブルな細胞分析装置です。

  • プロバット 「コーヒー焙煎機 ショップロースターPシリーズ (P01, P05, P12, P25)



    フロントプレートと払出しフラップには高品質の鋳物を使用しており、高い蓄熱性を備えています。また、P05, P12, P25には15.6インチのタッチスクリーンが標準装備されてお...



    フロントプレートと払出しフラップには高品質の鋳物を使用しており、高い蓄熱性を備えています。また、P05, P12, P25には15.6インチのタッチスクリーンが標準装備されており、焙煎プロセスに必要な情報を明確に視覚化することができます。



  • AOMシステムズ社 噴霧・スプレー粒子計測装置SpraySpy

    位相ドップラ法やレーザー回折法に変わる噴霧液滴粒子計測システム。 AOMシステムズ社のSpraySpyは、独自のパルス変位法(Time-Shift technique)を用いた、全く新しい噴霧液滴/スプレー粒子計測システムです。国際特許を取得しており、位相ドップラー法やレーザー回折法など既存技術では困難であった、不透明あるいは非球形粒子および高密度スプレー粒子のサイズや移動速度、粒子密度などを同時に計測することが可能です。 また、後方散乱光を検出するためレーザー発信部と受光部が同一となり、...

    位相ドップラ法やレーザー回折法に変わる噴霧液滴粒子計測システム。 AOMシステムズ社のSpraySpyは、独自のパルス変位法(Time-Shift technique)を用いた、全く新しい噴霧液滴/スプレー粒子計測システムです。国際特許を取得しており、位相ドップラー法やレーザー回折法など既存技術では困難であった、不透明あるいは非球形粒子および高密度スプレー粒子のサイズや移動速度、粒子密度などを同時に計測することが可能です。 また、後方散乱光を検出するためレーザー発信部と受光部が同一となり、面倒な受光部の位置調整作業を省略することが可能です。

  • Colloid Metrix – Particle Size – NANO-flex® II

    The NANO-flex® II 180° DLS system measures particle size distributions of suspensions and emulsions in the range of 0.3 nm to 10 μm and concentrations up to 40 % by volume. The principle of heterodyne 180° backscattering applied here is characteri...

    The NANO-flex® II 180° DLS system measures particle size distributions of suspensions and emulsions in the range of 0.3 nm to 10 μm and concentrations up to 40 % by volume. The principle of heterodyne 180° backscattering applied here is characterized by its high selectivity in the nm range and a very high resolution; it is also suitable for samples with a wide or multi-modal size distribution. Due to the low penetration depth of the laser light, samples of high concentration are measured without disturbing multiple scattering. Compared to cuvette based systems, many samples can be measured without dilution in original concentration. The dip-in probe used in the NANO-flex® II has a diameter of 5.5 mm and allows a wide range of applications. In conjunction with the IPAS extension, particle size distributions can be measured inline. In combination with the Stabino® II, stability ranges and critical coagulation points can be determined.

  • DCスイス 「高性能・長寿命タップ」

    国産のタップに比べ工具寿命が飛躍的に延び、格段に高い連続加工時間を保証し、折損によるロス時間を大幅に縮小できます。 材料の延性と硬度に合わせて多彩な商品群をご用意しております。

    国産のタップに比べ工具寿命が飛躍的に延び、格段に高い連続加工時間を保証し、折損によるロス時間を大幅に縮小できます。 材料の延性と硬度に合わせて多彩な商品群をご用意しております。